- 3dp5dt bfp positive twins reddit I got a faint one today at 10DPO, which is super early. I actually think my uterus may be sort of tilted and off to the side instead of directly in the middle of my body like in the anatomy textbooks. I asked how that was possible and they said the trigger shot can cause a false positive. The only 2 positive lines I've seen in my life are when I had covid (story for another day). See all replies (1) The only real feeling I had with my bfp that stuck was pinching at 8dp3dt. Yes. I think because they are following a schedule of growth based on the transfer it makes sense to stick to a timeline- Unpopular opinionI didn't test. Reply reply I transferred a fully hatched 6AA embryo on Tuesday 2/7. Didn’t test yesterday (4dp5dt), and today i got faint lines on easy@home, FRER and Clearblue. Had sharp cramping 2 and 3dp5dt which eased up yesterday when I got the +, so I assume it was implantation cramps? Now I have pressure and cramping that feels just like period cramps. I tested positive 3dp5dt on a lone cheapo. Implantation doesn’t occur until at least 6dpo, usually 8-10dpo. Vvvvvfl was on a Walmart cheapie, true positive on FRER. But my boob pain was so much worse than ever, so the next day I took a test, fully expecting a negative, and it was positive. I’ve had two early losses before, so I don’t expect the twin to last, I felt pinching and cramps after my FET. Both were afternoon tests, not planned 🤣. Both times I was pregnant I had low starting betas -- the first ended in a chemical, the second is my current, ongoing pregnancy. With my first, which was a singleton, Based on our Hcg alone we thought we were having triplets but turns out it was twins. Hello, I'm 3dp5dt today and thought it would be nice to chat to chat to anyone going through the same. Or I had a very light but clearly there positive the evening of 3dp5dt and a very clear one the next day. My blighted ovum it was evening of 5dp5dt. But I’m sure you will hear both sides. Good luck. Good luck!! Hello, I'm 3dp5dt today and thought it would be nice to chat to anyone going through the same. Jennifer19822010 Just wondering if you ladies got your BFP earlier with twins. 8DPO very late in the evening! I got a better line 9DPO and a positive digital on 10dpo! I also got one 15 dpo! That one sadly ended in chemical pregnancy, but I confirmed ovulation and for sure didn’t get a positive until 15dpo! Apparently it takes 1 to 2 days to implant then 48s to start producing hcg. You are definitely still in the game. The first trimester is always scary, and there are a lot of things that can go wrong, but try and stay really positive. Congrats!!! CD/ DPO of positive test(s): vvfl at 10dpo, definite BFP at 11dpo CD/ DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: *Possibly* day 8 (3dp5dt), definitely day 7 (2dp5dt) (1769 on 11dp5dt and 3790 on 13dp5dt). I did not have trigger shot. i think its not early at all. At day 6, I fell of a cliff and got all the symptoms - cramping, headache, nausea. Even though I know its ridiculous because I didnt have a positive to 5 days with twins and my beta was 2000 something at my blood test. I can’t help but think something is gonna go wrong. For both I had a vvvvfl on 3dp5dt. I waited for the phone call. It seems like a real I got my first very very faint hardly there line at 3. 1st - 9dp5dt 45 11dpt 55 13dpt 40. Not sure if this is still a trigger, which I had 12days ago, On 4dpt with my singleton, it was a very faint line. I had a positive last night and positive digital (early clear blue) this morning as well as a rapid and a FRER positive. Now my excitement for my BFP has turned into anxiety and worry. Then 4dp I got a very very faint line in the evening (by the way - my evening tests are ALWAYS darker, I don’t know why, just something to consider). I'm definitely an early tester and have tested out my trigger as I didnt want to have doubt in my mind as to whether I was seeing a bfp or trigger. we went out and celebrated and then got the bloodwork back and it was neg. Around day 4-5 I started smelling weird smells. Not yet! My sister helped me navigate my insurance's list of providers and there is a Birth Center at a hospital that is affiliated with a woman's health clinic that has midwives and a good reputation only 20 minutes from my house. 5 almost 4 days past my FET! Dying to test!!!!! Looks like if u test positive this early it could be twins! Wow how exciting!!! J. Please help. This is my third FET after two failed medicated cycles, doing a modified BUT my sister had one baby and had the same betas as me, and I’ve seen women who start testing positive with one baby at 3-4dp5dt. That was my For both FETs I’ve had very faint positives at 1pm on 3dp5dt. 5dp5dt and that was with twins. i got my clear bfp at 6dp but im having a chemical, it was probably late implantation Same here! No impulse control whatsoever. With my first I had a faint line at 5dp5dt Try again in a few days and goodluck. 5 days past a 5 day frozen transfer and got this tonight on a FRER. 1 CP, and 1 successful. I’m just not sure at this point if it’s a line from the ovidrel taken on 2/7 or a real success. Mine was also an FET, so it wasn't a leftover trigger. I kept having cramps until 7dpt and then I started spotting. I have no idea how I went from stark white neg to dark positive in 2 days but With my daughter, I got a positive the evening of 3dp5dt. Only have been doing PIO, aspirin and estradiol / did medrol. It was way less mentally taxing), and FF. Is this a BFP or Positive HPT b/c of LH peak? CD 11 (I think), E@H & Inito test TW: Miscarriages/CP/infant loss A little history: I had a recent CP on 12/15, HCG went down to 0 by 12/21 Thought I had my period on 1/16 but period was super light for 2. I just got my BFP at 9dpo using a clear blue function a little differently than most of Reddit. Never been pregnant beforenot even a chemical. :) D. 2nd - 9dpt 37 11dpt 92 13dpt 247. I know it’s really early, but it’s been in the back of my head that since my embryo was already hatched it should be positive by now. I'm currently 22 weeks with twins and had a definite BFP at 3dp5dt. The day after I felt the implantation cramps and on day 4 post transfer, in the evening, I got my first BFP. I tested on a previous transfer and got a positive. I also felt like my period was coming the day before I got my BFP, about 3-4 days before it was due. With the transfer I just did, I got a positive the evening of 3dp5dt. TW: success. Does it look like an evap or a false positive? A supportive and positive community to discuss your IVF journey. I had two hatched embryos transferred on 28th April. 5dp was a faint line, and then yesterday was 6dp and got my first dark line. 1 of the singletons was born healthy, the other turned out to be a MMC after 2 promising early scans. I was cleaning my bathroom and found the Walmart cheapie and used it for laughs, and then at 5dp5dt I tested that afternoon out of curiosity after almost puking that morning. The constant sensation is what led me to test before my betas, and really soon after my FET. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 For never having been pregnant before Yes vvvvvvvfl in the evening of 3dp5dt. Anybody have period like cramping after their BFP and ended up with a successful pregnancy? I had a vvvvvvfl at 3dp5dt, definite line at 5dp5dt. It of course has sent me into a spiral. Today my beta were very high, and I’m due for the first scan in A place for pregnant redditors, those who have been pregnant, those who wish to be in the future, and anyone who supports them. So I would think an early implanter for sure and I got my positive on a FRER today- 7dp5dt. I got my very first BFP ever this morning. On for 4dpt with my twins, there was no mistaking that it was positive. And even twins don’t have more hcg than a singleton until past 14dpo. I was testing stark white neg at 3dp5dt but got a BFP at 8dp. I had my first FET on 4/28 and I didn’t really start to feel anything until yesterday (5dpt). So didn't test and this round was successful 😊 I’m a testing fiend. I expected the same this morning, however the tests are stark white. Mine was also an FET, Congrats to all of you! How exciting! I'm also 3. So far, I'm 5 weeks and HCG has been high and tripling 🤞 Got a faint but definite positive yesterday at 4dp5dt. ADMIN MOD Is it trigger or is it BFP . That was not holding urine either. I had ovary twinges and uterus twinges throughout the TWW. And then it takes a day or two for hcg to rise to get a positive. My transfer was two hatching blasts. I had a positive test at 5dp5dt both times. I tested and got the darkest, fattest positive. First time was twins, second time was a singleton. I tested out my trigger and then stopped, so I don’t know how much sooner it would have been positive. So I was also so nervous my period would still come on time. Thanks for the advice in advance 🙏 Got my BFP yesterday HCG levels of 236. You are probably at least 12dpo. This is my third FET after two failed medicated cycles, doing a modified natural this time. I didn’t test again until 6dp5dt and I got a positive at that point. I’ve had 2 FET in the past. I'm not sure if I'm just one of those people that have low betas, but when I got my positive beta the second time around I thought I was out for sure (my clinic wanted to see a number A supportive and positive community to discuss your IVF journey. CD/DPO of positive test(s): vfl 9DPO, bfp 10dpo CD/DPO of any negative test(s) before positive: n/a Tracking methods and app(s) used: OPK (pregmate), BBT (started with Tempdrop but I actually didn’t really like it, and swapped to vaginal temping from end of period until O was confirmed. I've also tested today (day 3 and day 2) and feel low and counted myself out as well. 19 weeks tomorrow 😊 I saw the faintest line on 3dp5dt, I didn't mention anything to my husband My third (frozen) transfer we got a positive again at 5dp5dt and currently 14 weeks with everything going good so far. TRIGGER WARNING 3dp5dt and I got a BFP this morning. I tested this am and afternoon, 3dp5dt, and got a bfn. Didn't get a positive until 14dpo. Second transfer and positive at 3DP (afternoon) My transfer was 10 AM on April 19th. I keep googling "how soon can you get a BFP after FET" Reply reply bearpawsNwhiteclaws Yep I'm 3dp5dt but I want to hold out til at least 9dp to test, my bloods are on 11dp. DoubleUnicornPoo. . If you transferred two embryos, I bet they both stuck. Was hoping to hear success stories from other fellow test takers, that had negative on 3dp, and got positive afterwards! You’re probably more than that. We have two Daily threads each day which are the place to post (and reply to) most questions, worries, vents, and other requests for Implantation often occurs at 8dpo-9dpo so a faint positive at 9dpo is definitely possible. I’ve been feeling weird twingy cramps, I'm 3. I got a definitive positive very early after transfer (3DP5DT faint, 4DP5DT darker line) my RE didn't move up my betas, but I didn't ask either. You will get great care with twins and you get the added reassurance of seeing them more often because of the higher risks associated with I'm currently 22 weeks with twins and had a definite BFP at 3dp5dt. We transferred two 3BB blasts. Otherwise, I felt nothing. The ultrasound tech at 8+4 confirmed it was twins, but both she and my doctor also confirmed that the different symptoms I was having this time around aren't necessarily because it's twins, but more likely because every pregnancy is different with the exception of the early, strong positive, because twins does cause far more hormones in your Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I started testing 3dp5dt and got a breath of a shadow lol. If you transferred a fully hatched embryo when did you get your bfp? Posted by u/mrsdwib1000 - 2 votes and 7 comments I have been watching too many tik toks and so many of the ones I’ve seen would post that they got a positive pregnancy test at home, but had a really low HCG levels on beta and ended in a chemical pregnancy. I am I took a test on 3dp5dt and it was completely negative, it sent me into a spiral even though I knew it was too early. FWIW i could always feel myself ovulate as well. Not the place for bump or ultrasound pics, sorry! Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! First BFP after 1st FET at 4dp5dt. I've had a faint positive at 2dp5dt from both singletons (twice) and twins (once). Hi all, I was testing out trigger shot with easy@home until 3dp5dt, where test became pretty light. 5 days but still bright red blood and clots. Had a specific pinging sensation on each side of my uterus about 36 hours after i he transfer. zouhbi qeyc rxuykz uedc dyzxpj thz axi dphr fjuvi alflofig