Catholic hymns There is a body of Catholic hymns penned by the likes of Sr. What about a litany? You could take the CHANT setting of "For the Sake of His Sorrowful Passion" (from the Divine Mercy Chaplet) and sing that. If you ask oldhymns, who is a forum member, he has a website The Devotional Hymns Project, he may be able to make a CD for you of the hymns you are looking for. The local cathedral today did “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”, “O Come, Divine Messiah,” and “From the Father’s Throne on High,” a nice Second Coming text sung to the tune of HEINLEIN. I do not bemoan this, but rather rejoice in the fact that the hymns Christians sing contribute to the ever-increasing visible unity of Christ's Church. As far as liturgical action hymns, Eucharistic hymns are suitable as a last resort for any part of the Mass. There is better stuff in The Hymnal 1940 and the older Lutheran hymnals. Also, if you happen to be singing "Father, we thank Thee," with a mangled text: make sure that you yell out the masculine pronouns that the editors have so kindly removed. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! It is a very concise hymnal (130 pages) containing a handful of masses from the Kyriale, numerous hymns of Gregorian chant, and about 100 of the best known hymns of all time appropriate for singing as bookends to the Latin mass. I also offer a Is part of the problem that in our funerals we canonize the deceased, and so we don't have a good set of hymns imploring prayers for the deceased. On reducing the number of hymns in the sandwich, might I suggest singing the Introit Chant, Offertory (Antiphon only) then a hymn, Communion Antiphon with some psalm verses then a hymn and perhaps a recessional where appropriate. And if you would like to learn more about the author and composer's you can visit my website Mother of Mercy Catholic Hymns and click on the tab HYMN OF THE MONTH. This is also the perfect hymnal to introduce more traditional Catholic music to a Novus Ordo community. There is a collection of Repertoire de Saint-Séverin that has more organ-based selections, including choral harmonizations in the style of Bach. I'm afraid that many of the hymns some identify as Catholic are Catholic all right - Catholic trash. Mary Angina of the Sacred Heart, and Sr. There is of course the French hymnal D'une même voix, several volumes of Chants notées, but you won't find much in terms for four part chorale style hymns or chants. 5. Finally, hymns can be programmed like bidding prayers based on events of pastoral importance. . Frankly the hymns in the "Eucharist" section of the Hymnal 1982 are more orthodox than most hymns in the same section in any Catholic Hymnal. Indeed, if all the Latin hymns were to be removed from the list, perhaps a majority of the remaining English-language hymns were not even written by Catholics. Is there a good setting you have of the Nunc Dimittis? 4. Mary Dumbo of Elephantine - great Catholic composers of the 20th century. Indeed, if all the Latin hymns were to be removed from the list, perhaps a majority of the remaining English-language hymns were not even written by Catholics. You've got 3 For some reason, it seems that a lot of bad Advent hymns were written in the ‘70s and ‘80s and included in BB, but I digress. For example, we sang "Long Live the Pope" after the scandal broke earlier this year, and the response was rousing. fsjxnk oxnooyq xeh qzoijft ujhr ubgaa dur pxhrh qjuvhbi bmy