Harry potter leaves his parents fanfiction. html>vjyk

Harry potter leaves his parents fanfiction. Kreacher will clean Master Harry's clothes for him.

Heir of the Most Ancient and Noble House Black Accidental magic at the age of 2, in which Harry turned his mother's hair blue without her seeing, hoping to be praised by his parents but instead of praising him, his parents immediately thought it Jamus who turned Lily hair blue and immediately called him a liar when he was trying to make them see, he had done it but for some reason in their James' voice held a hint of badly masked hope, hope that Sirius would choose to leave without agreeing to the plan, leaving James with his son. They wake up to a world so different to the one they left behind. Was Voldemort specifically after Harry? It certainly felt that way to him. He would need to speak with both before he decided what to do, he would hear them out and if they had good enough reasons why they weren't in his life from the time his parents were murdered, then he would decide if they were worth Mr. The real difference lies in the fact that Harry Potter is a 14 year old boy, while He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is pushing seventy years of age and is a fully trained and merciless killer. Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter that pleasure belongs to J. I'm Hermione Granger. Harry scowled a she looked at it; the reminder of the night that his parents had abandoned him to the tender mercies of the Dursley's, which was not something Harry wanted to remember. His mother was smiling down at him, and his father looked proud. "Of course it is his birthday. Abandoned by his parents, raised by his grandparents, he will prove they were wrong to leave him. "Dobby, that's a wonderful idea. Chapter 1: Just outside of a small house in Godric Hollows where an infant has just lost his parents to a tyrannical terrorist, and because of it's mother's love the tyrant was vanquished. He watched as Voldemort bowed mockingly, but never taking his eyes from Harry. He was dressed in little boy's clothes and had a large number of hats on his head. He was born on June 21 of 1997 and immediately became the beloved son of James and Lily Potter; even though they were happy his parents felt the need of giving young Harry a sibling to be with and July 31 of 2000 his little brother James "Jamie" Junior Potter was born. The worse pain seemed to concentrate on that hated scar on his forehead. So Harry snuck away using his cloak and got to Gringotts where he basically emptied is vault. Being forsaken and neglected, ignored and forgotten, revenge seems a fairly competent obligation. "Goodbye Fudge, I don't want to see you again," Harry told him "Goodbye Harry Potter, don't come back," Fudge replied already imagining tomorrow's headlines. Jul 9, 2017 · Andromeda had asked the question Ragnok feared most – that Griphook's guilt had been ignored so that Harry Potter could be blamed and his vaults confiscated. Sirius - go already, and call for Dobby when you're somewhere safe. He might not be Harry Potter. Aug 30, 2012 · Harry Potter is condemned to a life in azkaban to be given the dementors kiss on his becoming of age, with out even giving him a chance to prove his innocence. NOTE: NOT necessarily fics I enjoy Fics not on here: A Fracture of the Mind's Eye by Rushlight, The Pendulum of Choice by Rushlight, The If Sieve by C'est What, Earthbound Spook by C'est What, A Time to Change by Sansa, Oscillate Wildly by marksykins, The Mirror of Maybe by Midnight Blue, A Time to Change by Sansa You can . He knew that freedom was a death sentence to house elves. Rowling As Harry finished his story he noticed the tears that were coming out of Harley as Ivy just sat there with a smile on her face. This community is made up of a number of different types of fanfiction: -Harry Potter Leaves the Country -Harry Potter Leaves the Wizarding World -Harry Potter Leaves the Dursleys Fiction Rating: All (? A selection of stories where Harry has either ran away when he was young, was taken or adopted by other families, left after the war, disappears, turns into an animal and can't be found,, went to a different school, was lost in time,or held hostage. Harry stood up and tried to mimic Isamu's bow. The next day. Voldemort was only able to widen his eyes before he vanished into nothing but ashes. See how Harry is raised by his Uncle and Aunt who love and support him, effect him and his time at Hogwarts. You will see six plaques on the front of the trunk, three on one side of the lock three on the other, the plaques are engraved with the following images: wardrobe, stag, sun, moon, lily, grim. A Proper Heir. One dying man's wish grants him the reprieve he desperately needs as he takes on the role of billionaire playboy. Now, we bow. Shoves in the corridor in plain view of the teachers who of course did nothing as they also didn't care, Snape had been worse than ever, snide jabs about his fame, his parents and his work. While Harry resides with the Dursleys, wards would be erected on the property. Hphphp. As soon as it had begun, it was over. Godric's hollow. Aug 31, 2019 · Dudley started mimicking a high-pitched cry. Suicidal, exhausted, and hurt, Harry is forced to make decisions that will impact his future forever, and discovers truths about both his strange affinity with ice and his creature inheritance. Smart!Naruto, Protective!Harry, Smart!Harry, Dudley!Redeemed, & Fan-girl!Ginny. " "Can you also adjust them for me?" Harry asked before swallowing the potion. When James and Lily send Harry to live with the Dursleys, they assume he'll welcome them with open arms, but what if he doesn't want the parents he never had. While Harvey was opening his vast pile of presents from their parents and his many fans, Harry only got seven at most. See how Harry's life is different after his parents come back to life. I just own the plot and there is no money made of this oneshot/fic. It was a month into the summer after his fourth year and Harry Potter sat alone in his bedroom in # 4 Privet Drive, the most recent copy of the Daily Prophet opened on his lap May 21, 2023 · Bookmarked by SpekulatiusMuffin. And some old wizards will never learn. She is also a product of her parents and their mundane life. Harry quickly yanked off his robe and wrapped it around Hermione who started to scream and try to jerk away. Slash Hopefully were all together in the living room here at Godric's Hollow or at Potter Manor laughing at these letters but if not then at least we left you something to remember us by. He was just a weapon to them. This is a 5 part chapter story i developed from my one shots. Her eyes were blazing, and her skin seemed to be glowing faintly. abandoned. " The goblin handed Harry his key back while two other goblins walked up. Isamu Sato-San meet Mr. Then the boy joined Hogwarts, found that his real parents were alive and well, and then the bitterness was born. The family couldn't be any more proud. "Don't kill Cedric! Please not Cedric! Help me Mum! You miss your Mum Potter?" "Shut up," Harry said quietly. He is a great wizard and sets out to change the Wizard world. With a second chance to change everything, with a loving family, his mother, arguing cousins, raised in Nashville, USA, and powerful sister, he will ensure that both the light and the dark will feel the wrath of the Evans. Before his fifth year Harry wakes and finds himself in a world where his parents are spared by Voldemort and he has the family he always wanted. After finding a torn comic in the trash when told to clean Dudley's room, four year old Harry Potter puts it together with some odd things that have happened around him, and concludes that he's the Avatar. Harry cracked his eyes open a fraction of an inch, unsure in which direction Voldemort and his band of merry men stood. The legendary Boy-Who-Lived. Anything popular I read already. 'As if anyone could pet a Nandu' he remembered thinking and, out of morbid curiosity more than anything else, he bought a few. I've got you. The three wizards and one goblin present watched as writing filled the page. When Harry is thought to have lost his magic Sirius adopts him and leaves England. Jul 9, 2024 · Just barely having begun his second year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter leaves the Magical World behind one fateful November night. Aug 11, 2014 · Harry gestured to himself and his twin, and the supposed Boy-Who-Lived and the real one rolled their eyes at each other. " There was pin-drop silence as people stared at Harry, many of them taking up to a minute just to recognise him. Mar 4, 2023 · Harry must reject his magic resulting in him losing it. Redemption arcs to come. This harry potter did not cry for his parents at night. A forgotten suit at the end of his father's massive drawer. His brother Michael gets chosen by Dumbles as the boy who lived. Summary: Mother's day coming around leaves Harry feeling miserable since he has no parents and living with his relatives. Harry had to stop himself from stepping back from his gaze. James never acknowledged him except to glare. That is the main reason he added the other Weasley's to his oath. Shrugging, Harry said that no one had every told him about his family history, only about his parents. Harry and the twins were in the middle of dueling when Dobby popped in with a naked and sobbing Hermione. Rated T just to be on the safe side. What are you so…" Her eyes fell on the birthday cake, and widened. A wrong-boy-who-lived story. "Hardclaw will take you to the retrieve the package while Griphook takes Mr. Dec 26, 2018 · "Mr Potter I was surprised that you wished to see me without your parents" the Goblin said looking up from his book to look at Harry "yes well my parents don't really know I'm here" Harry said slowly "ah intriguing" the goblin said more interested than worried "I've come to remove myself from the Potter line" Harry stated wanting to get to the Harry closed his eyes and nearly fell asleep when Kreacher returned with some vials of potion. Rowling, and all the people who she gave permission to have it make her rich. Harry took Hermione's hand, as his amplified voice said— "Hermione, you are the only person in this wand-waving insane asylum whom I'll miss. It’s been 6 years since the defeat of Voldemort, and 5. A year after the disappearance of Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter, Voldemort and his supporters marched onto the grounds of Hogwarts and blasted the doors to the Great Hall off its hinges as the Leaving Feast had just gotten underway. This Harry Potter lived a normal life in a normal family. I watched Harry play with his toys and it hurt to know that he had a prophecy hanging over his head. Albus Dumbledore created a contract for them to house Harry until he began his seventh year of Hogwarts. Harry placed his laptop back into the shadows as he then got up. They all acted like one big happy family outside of the house but once alone he was left to his own entertainment. "The Harry Potter?" She leaned forward to view his forehead, causing Harry to flinch. RATED T FOR VULGAR LANGUAGE! Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama/Supernatural - Harry P. If Harry hadn't been held up at that moment everybody was sure he would have fallen on his knees, sobbing for the loss of his loyal pet and the destruction of the only things he had to remember his parents by. " Harry tilted his head forward slightly, never taking his eyes off the man in front of him. threw junk at him and scolded him and said how a disgrace he was for An ancient Ritual casted by Lily Evans causes war-hardened Harry Potter to go back in time. But stuck between the new world and his own where both need him, Harry is left with an impossible choice. That. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 4 - Words: 6,354 - Reviews: 46 - Favs: 222 - Follows: 266 - Updated: 4/28/2011 - Published: 10/14/2010 - Harry P. " Watching as Buckbeak carried Sirius into the night, Harry felt Dobby pulling his trouser leg. Ever since Harry left he would get a smack here and then if he annoyed his father much. As Harry was sitting outside trying to think of how he could find out about the task, Hermione walked up to him. Dec 25, 2017 · They had found his diaries, his so-called manifesto and Harry had been thrilled to learn that like his girlfriend, his mother had disrupted the headmaster's plans by falling in love with his father. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave the school untouched. "Harry, you are the sole heir to a Wizarding line that can be traced back to Godric Gryffindor and to Merlin. How will his life turn out with all the different hardships. Harry then started roughly putting his daughters clothes into the bag. He wasn't anything. When he seemed reluctant to say it, Ginny answered the question. AU 5th year & beyond. "Nice to meet you Isamusatosan. It hit Ron on the forehead and bounced off, leaving Ron off-balance. Thank you everyone for reading and following this story, i am currently editing it and i shall post the new version soon. Jun 28, 2023 · As he finished the tea, Griphook returned with a man that looked to be in his forties. , James P. "Where are his presents," Vivienne hissed. Every morning there would be a prank war, giggling, tickling, and full-blown laughter. The fact that the only time he could remember being with his parents was seconds before their deaths hurt, but offered a strange comfort at the same time, knowing that they'd loved him enough to die for him. Antithesis by Oceanbreeze7. " Voldermort began plotting numerous ways to get Harry to join him or at least stay out of his way for the time being anyway. Dumbles/Weasley/Granger and some Potter Bashing. If anything it was slightly depressing. Harry glanced around to see a boy about his age in what looked like a bathrobe that was made to be worn outside, the older lady was dressed in a much more elaborate and eye melting array of pink and purple topped off by a large hat topped with a stuffed Vulture, shock silent by the assault on his senses Harry just sort of followed them and Oct 22, 2016 · Remus opened his mouth and begun his usual beating of Harry with petty words, how his parents would be disgusted, how people actually celebrating his imprisonment, and how the Potter vaults are being put to good use in funding the order, but regardless, Harry wouldn't give him the satisfaction of any negative emotion from him. "Brian, Brian," Vivienne shrieked. Albus Dumbledore was dying. Harry leaves Privet Drive, with his aunt and cousin, intending to never return. AU: Harry has a family, parents, a little BWL-brother and an adorable sister. " Harry Potter and Teddy, his adopted son, are cornered by Voldemort. Short Story. Disclaimer: All HP characters are the property of JKR, the WB, and respective publishing companies and all Naruto characters are the property of Masashi Kishimoto. Mar 14, 2020 · It was because of Potter his father had needed to source a new house elf, although Dobby had become quite unreliable in the last few years, so his mother had said, it was something of a hidden blessing that Potter had helped them rid themselves of the unbalanced elf, his father obviously couldn't free him, no pureblood family would do that. Both his daughters looked at each other with worry. Some say he died, some say he fled out of fear or ridicule and some say he is a coward. Proud of him, Harry thought, but then dismissed it. Harry is the real BWL but everybody thinks it's his twin, Daniel Potter. A wise man once told me "You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us?". She had been betrothed to Harry thanks to his parents, James and Lily Potter, making arrangements with Stephen and Hestia Jones, her parents. What if that night in the graveyard actually did bring Harry's parents back to life? Life just got a bit more complicated and nothing will ever be the same. Albus Dumbledore is not the man I thought he was. Everyone knew Harry's real name, so he could not have faked the truth. Kreacher will clean Master Harry's clothes for him. Harry came across another room. Jun 30, 2020 · Harry braced himself and recited his parents' last moments. Tony Stark died at the age of seventeen with his father in an accident. Chapter 1. WBWL, good Lily and James, eventually. Chapter 10 The World and Beyond by RarepairKai22 Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. After Harry Potter got off the train he didn't go to see if their Dursley's were there, Harry decided if this war was heating up then he needed money, he would need a lot of money. "Harry Potter is calling Dobby," the elf said, appearing in front of the teen. Harry Potter and the Destiny Within. However, he is rescued and taken in by our favorite, faceless entity in a suit; Slenderman. The goblin nodded again before shouting again. When Harry is expelled and his wand snapped by the Wizengamot for defending himself against Dementors, Harry Potter finds himself wondering what else will they take unless he chooses to leave quickly. Harry had known from the moment he had seen the two wizards Dumbledore was aggravated that his stupid plans to get him into Hogwarts and leave Ilvermorny had failed. "Uh hem," Harry cleared his throat and smiled as the other occupants in the room from his parents to Sirius jumped. Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Harry P. " Griphook introduced. A New Day Has Come. This Harry PotterLived the life that the older one had always dreamt about. His name is Hadrian, or Harry for short. He was extremely disappointed when he had to leave. His Aunt had not noticed his absence and Harry was able to sneak his uniform into his cupboard without much notice. Revenge. " Harry said soothingly, as he continued to gather her close. The Weasley's, or at least some of them, were using him. AU Eventual HarryRemus. Isamu grimaced. Harry Potter Leaves Dec 31, 2022 · Predictably, the change in behaviour of Harry Potter didn't please the students, but contrary to what most believed would happen, the teachers didn't punish him for it, but investigated each incident that the other students complained about fully, which only led to the actual instigators ending in detention and losing points. Jan 19, 2008 · I will get your sister ready," said Harry. Enjoy! Getting his breathing in check he answered "apparently the Potter parents had forgotten about their older son causing a rift between him and his parents. Harry didn't understand why his parents acted like this. It was like they did not care enough about Harry Potter even though they were such good friends with his parents. "Your half brother has left, as is his responsibility at 17. One from Minky, two from Jackie, two from Jake, two from Neville, and even twice, one from Lily. Lily and James dead. Teen for general Creepypasta goodness and language. Harry Potter sat in an empty classroom, as far away from the rest of the school as possible. Hphphp . He noticed photographs of his parents on the mantle over the fireplace. Nov 18, 2013 · AU!What if Lily had a brother who took Harry in when his parents died. Who has a grudge against the Potters. Harry then pointed his wand towards his sword which then fired the killing curse at it, as his sword was hit by the spell Harry snapped the death eater's neck and watched his sword proceed to shoot back the killing curse With the help of his parents, and some magical friends (both human and otherwise), Harry begins to make his own choices. Meet Mark Evans, Lily's older brother, and his wife Katherine Evans (Nee Black) Sirius' younger sister. Lily Leaves Part 1. May 24, 1997 · The blonde on his other side was Megan (Jones) Potter, who was married to Harry by way of his position of the Head of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter. The reported loss of Harry Potter to the magical world emboldened Voldemort to strike fast. Harry don’t know how bad his life could have been, had he not received that letter from Gringotts. he returns 10 years later as a shadow warior. *blah* are scenes taken from the book. "He's Harry Potter. Harry Potter's uncle goes too far and a broken, bleeding Harry is left in his cupboard. Luckily he got Sirius. One massive, convoluted lie. He always dreamt of undying love and having someone to share his love with; someone whose hand he could hold in public, someone who he could kiss in public without having the pressure make them crumble. Definitely not your usual wrong BWL-story. Ever since Hagrid had explained about Voldemort and his parents, Harry hated his scar. But if one was to peel away the layers of the house, one would find a dark corner in this light family. In the smallest bedroom of the house lies a child of five years. Dumbledore was using him. Christmas wasn't a fun holiday for him. The page read: Harry James Potter: son of James and Lily Potter. The goblin then looked at the key and then Harry. "Shh. I just play in her sandbox. Choices that might take him out of the magical world altogether. Harry Potter, witness to both deaths, was tired of living in the Wizarding world. To keep Harry safe and sound in case Dumbledore gave into his delusions of grandeur and believed he could get away with whatever he wished, Jasper Potter and Lucie Swallow, the His first year he had Quirrell and Voldemort trying to kill him. "Of course Kreacher will do so. After killing Voldemort Harry leaves Britain for a year. He was glad that her plan didn't work. Confused as he had no other living family, he had asked whom had taken over the Potter family accounts that he had left to be used only by Sirius in trust for his son Harry. Harrison Nelson Isaiah Truth AKA Harry James Potter looked at the people who claimed to be his parents with utter disgust, for the past sixteen years they never bothered to know where he was or how he was doing and now after finding out that his brother Godric Albus Potter wasn't the actual Boy-Who-Lived they were now trying to be nice to him and justifying the fact they Jun 8, 2024 · AU Harry Potter discovers magic - and Dumbledore's manipulations early - and leaves Britain after showing/releasing his life story and showing a life not of wonder and wealth, but a life of abuse and pain. "Something for you to wear on Tuesday. Sep 7, 2021 · A few changes can influence your whole life. Hermione was using him. Before Jason was born, Harry lived in the Potter manor with his parents, Lily Evans Potter and James Charles Potter. " "You have until midnight. Now he returns and his goal is to get even with people who betrayed him. K. " Harry said. Lily Potter and her brains and ambition had tossed a wrench into his plans for the Potter and Black heirs, it was why he had been so determined to Jun 30, 2019 · The cloud surrounded Harry, wrapping itself around his body; a pain a thousand times worse than the Crucio curse ran through his body. "We won't have houses, and won't stand for any bias over blood. And you are?" "Ginny Weasley. "Mum he's killed Cedr…" Dudley stopped abruptly as he backed into a wall with Harry's wand at his throat. This is my take on the highly cliched Harry has a twin who is mistakenly declared the BWL and Harry subsequently is ignored by his parents until the truth comes out. It was all that freak's fault. Frank and Sirius and Remus I want to thank you for being the three best friends I could ever have I leave you each three millions galleons. He just didn't understand. 'My dad yelled, 'Lily, take Harry and go! Run! Looking at the mirror surface of the window critically, Harry brought his hand up to his forehead where he lightly traced the now mostly faded lightning bolt scar. Philomena, brave and reckless, then added "So Harry took all his belongings with him. Right now this is a one shot though that may change. "I've read all about you of course. Alice, my best friend I leave you 5 million galleons and my wardrobe for always being there. - Chapters: 13 - Words: 6,123 - Reviews: 115 - Favs: 143 - Follows: 157 - Updated: 6 Harry Potter. The pictures certainly were not aware of his presence. This Harry Potter never knew suffering. Harry just threw his sword into the air as he quickly disappeared and reappeared behind the death eater grabbing his arm. Hope you like it. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. Mar 25, 2018 · "Dobby could bring Harry Potter's godfather food, and some clean clothes. Jul 14, 2020 · James and Lily live in 1981. It seemed they had forgotten he was in the room. James and Lily ignores Harry most of the time, so Harry makes a wish and vanishes from the wizarding world. Potter, meet Isamu Sato-San. He was the-boy-who-lived who everyone would stare at, trying to see his scar. Several pops behind him had him whirling around wand raised, a curse on his lips before he recognized Amelia Bones and several of her Aurors. Harry would never allow anyone to take his mother's place. , Lily Evans P. Takes place in an alternate timeline where everything is the same up until Lily and James come back and a few other differences have already occurred. Harry Nov 1, 2001 · Harry Potter and the Forgotten Princess, Harry Potter and the Mysterious Muggle, Harry Potter and the Magical Menagerie, Harry Potter and the Curious Castle, Harry Potter and Petting the Nandu… the list went on and on. K Rowling. " All three looked at the little elf before Harry made his night. Instead, they live on in Godric’s Hollow and have three more children after Harry. "Never. It's me, Hermione. And so Harry ends up in the care of another aunt, who loves him, and nurtures him, and helps to prepare him for a world where politics is a vicious game and magic is might. It was just another day at potter manor, little 9 year old harry potter stayed in his room his plain white room to be exact, while his so called parents James and lily potter stayed with his bastard brother Devin. Bad Parent Ginny Weasley. Becoming Henry Evan Black was easy, and running away to start a new life was even easier after discovering his real parentage. "Harry Potter. Harry will do whatever he can to prove that his world, the mundane world is better than the wizarding world Apr 8, 2017 · Summary: Harry having been quickly disillusioned about the Wizarding World, decides to leave it, with a message delivered by the Daily Prophet. And he was set on paying him back. To his left, the mother was biting her lower lip and attempting to not laugh at the clumsy boy. "I'll check it out. Why his brother always got the better of everything. Again," Harry snarled. Harry remembering his sibling Mar 18, 2017 · The ring horcrux attempts to exploit the innermost desires of a lonely orphan by manipulating Harry Potter with the illusion of his living, loving parents. Two children, a boy and a girl playing the the den. In the process, he turned his back on the headmaster. Potter to his vault. His once glittering green eyes were hard and full of anger. He was meant to have a Sep 29, 2010 · He fingered the scratches on his face and reminded himself to make sure she paid for them later on, he was disrobing when the wards around his flat were blown apart and an enraged Harry Potter stood there watching a frozen Ron in the act of removing his underpants. Neglected by his parents and having to survive on his own since he was 4. Jun 16, 2020 · Harry took a step forward and to his right, putting himself in front of Hermione, then he turned round to face Hermione. "There you go," Harry said as he shoulder-barged past. Or rather the one we all and he himself think is Harry Potter. Tom Riddle neglects to remember that he is also a lonely orphan who is just as vulnerable to this manipulation. Harry would either accept another force to replace his magic or have his own human attributes doubled: Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Etc. Seeing the scar satisfied her disbelief and she nodded curtly. "Master Harry must take his potion and then he has to sleep. You're safe. He had his wand in hand and was bleeding from several cuts on his face and hands. This naturally encouraged the others to participate in berating him. The bag was bottomless so he did not need to get bag after bag, he only needed Aug 19, 2024 · His hair is more dirty blonde and his eyes more blue than they are green. Jul 3, 2012 · Severus nodded at the headmaster taking his leave. All he saw ahead of him were gravestones, and knew they must all be near where the rat fought for his life. It all started off with a party in the Shrieking Shack, six kids lost in the Forbidden Forest, and copious amounts of alcohol in everyone’s systems. Legendary indeed. Mar 31, 2009 · Young Potter apparently hated him enough, for leaving him with the Dursleys, keeping secrets from him, and by his silence during Harry's fifth year, indirectly being the cause of his godfather's death, to join the person who had killed his parents in order to have his revenge. " The woman gasped while her daughter raised an eyebrow and turned to look at him. How will Hogwarts deal with a corrupted Harry Potter? Harry Potter x Creepypastas. He wouldn't put up with anyone trying to act like his parents. , and having to defeat Voldemort, a couple others, all ships welcome yes even slash, most over 10,000 words Mar 26, 2018 · Harry Potter had taken his 40 years of work and destroyed everything by doing something he hadn't expected. Harry and Neville got back to the tower without any teachers finding out they had been out after curfew. Harry seized one of the POTTER STINKS badges off the table and chucked it as hard as he could across the room. Enjoy "Vernon and Petunia Dursley were paid thirteen hundred pounds for the care of one Harry James Potter, beginning November second, 1981. ' "I can't find Harry or Hermione anywhere. Neville needed to do his homework so Harry decided to help him out since he really didn't want to talk to anyone else. That meant that - that meant that Harry really hadn't enter his name. "Did you forget about Harry? It is his birthday to. His whole life had been a lie. Bookmarker's Tags: Harry Potter is So Done; Harry Potter leaves Hogwarts; Harry potter leaves Britain; Bookmarker's Notes. Harry was still pissed at his friends but he was stuck with them, stuck with cleaning, listening to everybody going on about the Order, listening to Molly Weasley ordering everybody around, especially Sirius, watching Dumbledore make "guest appearances" as Harry thought to himself and watching everybody kowtowing and practically worshipping the Harry James Potter just wants to get away from his brother and his life, but when strange happenings begin, he's left with a choice: to follow in his parents footsteps, or go to the mysterious Alces Academy for gifted students with unnatural abilities. Harry Potter and his two new friends, Ron and Hermione, went into their first potions class. Harry Potter Leaves the Wizarding World; Harry Potter is So Done; Post-War; Summary. With help from old friends, Lily and James Potter remember their pasts and return to the Wizarding World while Harry faces his fifth year at Hogwarts. That had been a week ago and since then he had re-entered hell. As a young boy sleeping beneath the steps Harry had always dreamt of his parents bursting through the front door, demanding him to be returned, and he living happily ever after with a full tummy and lots of love… but those were children fantasies. After running away from his abusive home with the Dursley’s, Harry is left to navigate his new life alone, with only his enemies to back him. [edit:4/08/2017] [Edit:8/09/2017] [Edit:11/07/2018] I do not own Harry Potter. Harry Potter is neglected and abandoned by his parents for his brother, WBWL. Pairing: Harry Potter/Daphne Greengrass. He wasn't family to them. net | Category : Harry Potter | Rated : Fiction K+ | Chapters : 17 | Words : 97,364 | Reviews : 512 | Favs : 1,000 | Follows : 1,503 | Updated : 4/11/2016 | Published : 6/7/2014 Harry's friends and allies abandon him for the real hero of magic (CERTAIN ONES YES, OTHERS NOT SO MUCH) Somehow, Harry discovers/acquires an Old Legacy to help in his destiny (ACCEPTED) Harry runs away from home in the summer after their return (ITS A GIVEN) Forbidden: Boy-Who-Lived Harry. Harry/Daphne After the attack on Godrics Hollow Hadrian Potter-Black or later known as Akira Kurusu was abandoned by his biological parents in favour of his brother, but the abandonment failed, when Akira was found by a Japanese couple, who were desperate to have children. Mar 29, 2013 · He grabbed a form from his desk "Done," was all he said and Harry got up, shook Fudge's hand and threw his want into a fire. Legendary. 15 Aug 2023. Harry travels to another dimension where his parents are alive - something recent please. Takes place at the end of the goblet of fire, with an alternate graveyard scene. He's an adult and has to make his own way in the world. Disclaimer: Harry Potter and its characters solely belong to J. " The common room burst into murmurings. A father reading in his study. But maybe there is something new and good :) I don't own Harry Potter that pleasure belongs to J. Harry Potter looked at the mirror. Harry Potter, grandson to Fleamont Potter. Harry took the offered pin and pricked his finger. Years later Harry meets the new transfer student from Hogwarts, Hermione Granger. Harry always dreamt with meeting his soulmate, just like his mother met his father and knew it was him. The only ones that spoke with Harry and didn't believe he entered were the twins, Lee and the girls on the quidditch team. Oct 31, 2013 · "For you, mom and dad," and he took a sip. To his delight it was fun but hard. Aug 18, 2024 · Bad Parent Harry Potter. "Yes, daddy," said both boys before they walked into their room and began packing their toys. It was a nifty disguise. K. Certain Weasley bashing, Dumbledore bashing, Hermione bashing, Potter bashing. Note: This story is about a smart Lily, a Lily they said she was. "Dumbledore?" Moody's voice interrupted his thoughts. Then everybody moved aside and let him through, while they all. Sirius couldn't hold his laugh at hearing that, Harry though was getting serious. "Sheer dumb luck that Trelawney was spouting an actual prophecy, and not some drunken gibberish, and hiding behind a pair of toddlers actually worked for you. Harry now knew where all Hermione's knitting had gone. " She said. Albus told me this after my parents, your grandparents, died. Harry was certain his parents still wiped his own ass and helped him clean and get dressed. Harry will always be my baby boy, a son I will die for. "Why was only Harry Potter being prosecuted when Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley assisted him in acquiring the cup?" "Hermione Granger is a Muggle and has no vault. He doesn't return, and history shifts. Potter?" "I, Harry James Potter, solemnly swear on my life and magic that I did not enter my name in the Triwizard Tournament nor ask somebody else. With a growl Harry centered his mind and with all the willpower at his disposal, he pushed back, the intent of making Voldemort leave his mind, soul and body filling each and every thought of his mind. Warnings: Au, alive! Lily, and ooc. Fortunately, his parents had a contingency plan for when they died and Dumbledore shipped their baby off to Petunia. Harry thought he could hear his cousin's chuckling from his room. Sep 26, 2021 · And on a mission. 3 days ago · Harry Potter, son of Lily and James Potter, was an abused boy who just wanted to escape. However, no matter how much James loved the boy and wanted the world to know the child was his, he knew that it would be impossible to keep his baby safe forever against Voldemort. So he should be happy right? Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Tragedy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 2,829 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 36 - Updated: 5/27/2005 - Published: 5/24/2005 - Harry P. Harry looked at his grandmother. . Dec 11, 2023 · This is indeed Mr. Harry wore the suit and he vanished from Potter mansion. This is nothing more than a simple FanFiction that I have written. Now a student at Uagadou, Harry charts his new life, studying the arcane forms of magic. Head of the Most Ancient and Noble House Potter. "We have company. The moment Voldemort's back straightened Harry lashed out thrusting his wandless right hand forward and throwing a burst of pure magic toward Voldemort. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Drama - Harry P. Feb 16, 2007 · Harry Potter stood on the walk just outside of number 4 Privet Drive staring at the remains of his relative's house. "Before you all start planning the rest of my life or how you are going to make it up to me for your treatment of me over the last thirteen years, you should know you no longer have Next evening, Harry Potter stole one of his father's muggle suits. " Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Why isn't his name on the Black Phoenix Mother. Mainly about Harry becoming a REALLY powerful wizard, whether that be by being a creature, time traveling ect. Harry turned into an older man's version of himself. After Harry’s third year at Hogwarts, he gets a letter from Gringotts, asking him to come and meet his account manager. It reminded him that he lived over his parent's, he lived when they sacrificed themselves for him. Here goes nothing, Harry thought while he used the eavesdropping charm Harry has his parents and his sister. 5 years since the disappearance of Harry Potter himself. - Words: 3,520 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 112 - Follows: 110 - Published: 3/20/2022 - id: 14055981 "Give me Harry Potter," said Voldemort's voice, "and none shall be harmed. Mention. He had been dying for a long time now, fully aware his time was coming to an end. I wish I knew what caused it but no matter what he looks like. Now, eight years later, when Dudley Dursley and his little sister Diana Dursley show signs of magic, they are disowned Dimension travel AKA parallel universes, alternate realities, et al. Making his way back to his potions laboratory in the dungeons Severus thought, 'Then I'd better strike that old man first. His parents weren't his parents. It ended with a kid on deaths doorstep in the Slytherin boys bathroom. There was something distinctly familiar about it… After a few minutes of feeling his surroundings, Harry came to a satisfying conclusion—he had felt his parents' magic. No one was able to stop Harry Potter on a mission. She is an Unspeakable while James is an Auror. " "Yes," said Harry patiently as he rolled back his bangs, revealing his famous scar. Grey Harry. Harry gets neglected by his parents due to the mistake Dumbles made. Lily Evans Potter, Wife of Heir James Potter Auror Captain, and Heir to the Potter Family, one of the oldest and most prominent families that could trace their ancestry to Ancient Greece, was sitting in the living room of the cottage they were hiding in. Revenge is the misguided attempt to transform shame and pain into pride. He felt his breath catch in his throat as he thought of them. " They started to share the candy as the bushy-haired girl sat Jul 24, 2012 · Harry was given his uniform and a white belt before he joined in on learning the form. Your Family has been very helpful to other magical races that inhabit magical world, especially goblins. This usually included several books from the Potter library. Standard ELTH (Everyone Lies to Harry), AU after year six (summary inside), Manipulative Dumbledore/Weasleys, Cunning Harry. Then who was he? How did he became Harry Potter? His thoughts were interrupted by a question. He had thought that first year had been an exception, that the school couldn't possibly be that dangerous all the time. Lily Potter. It's nice to meet you. Ragnok answered yes. Harry grabs his son just before the numerous deadly spells hit them and they both pass out. That was like him. It was Dudley who stole the cookies and made a track back to his cousin's door. That just leaves one more issue to deal with. Just then Ivy got up and noticed something. He let a drop fall on the page. - Not a crossover so much as a fic in which Harry Potter is convinced that 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' is a historical documentary. She uses that knowledge and wisdom to think of plans inside of plans. " He said as he carefully made his way outside and saw who it Dec 25, 2012 · According to Otis Stillwater, a renowned Ministry expert on prophecies, this means that You-Know-Who and Harry Potter are effectively equal in ability. Powerful!Harry HPGW. Harry Potter’s A+ Parenting. " Ron said as he returned to the cabin on the Hogwarts Express where his sister Ginny was sitting with a few friends. " Knowing his could be hurtful for his friends, Harry made it about him. They were a very happy family of three, and it couldn't be better. A large part of Dumbledore, the part which had been humbled by the realisation his delusions of grandeur accrued by the fight with Gellert Grindelwald, of being one of the leaders of a new world order where wizards, no longer fearing the muggles, could finally guide the Sep 4, 2022 · Harry's parents were smiling at some reporters and cameras whilst an overweight red head boy with glasses posed, flexed and blew kisses to the camera. Oct 27, 2021 · HARRY JAMES POTTER, BROTHER OF GIRL-WHO-LIVED; YOUNGEST SEEKER IN A CENTURY AT THIRTEEN! It would be a year ago today, that Harry has started his Quidditch career. The boy claimed his Lordships, invoked the judgment of Lady Magic, then proceeded to remove James, Lily, and Sirius from the families. Nothing more. Seeing her reminiscing into the past while he thought about something else entirely. ' "Harry," Lily asked. Nathan Potter, Harry Potter's brother is thought to be the boywholived. October 31st 1981. Mom. Site : fanfiction. Harry thought and he put the drops of blood on the lock and stated his full name, there was a glow and Harry went back to the list. Powerful!Harry. Potter. Dark-ish!Harry. The latter he thought being gone and Sirius not able to access it without a blood tie close to him. His whole life could be a lie. this story is of Harry Potter, a Harry Potter that isn't the boy who lived, but the brother of the girl who lived, neglected by his parents and looked after by the Potter house elves Harry Potter becomes an enigma to the rules of magic. - Chapters: 28 - Words: 75,425 - Reviews: 406 - Favs: 1,026 - Follows: 1,257 - Updated: 1/9/2018 Harry didn't know what to think. Nathaniel was nothing like Harry. Lily and James don’t die that October night in 1981. "Mr. When more and more realizations reach the surface he begins to wonder if staying in the Wizarding World is even worth the pain. " said Severus with not thunking of the impact of what he had justd said. Harry took a moment to center himself with shallow breaths, remaining as still as possible. " I Lillian Rose Potter Nee Evans and I James Charles Potter declare this our last will and testament. It was just his luck. "Nice to meet you Mr. With a mighty roar, Harry found the strength to tame the pain, to bend it to his will. Nov 18, 2013 · Harry Potter was abused. Maybe it's for the best. And vanished from the Potter family. Harry never did figure out what happened to Brandon did his leg heal or was he crippled forever and if so that was also his fault? Harry didn't know he just knew his whole life was a mess even at the start when Voldemort killed his parents and tried to kill him. " "Hmmperhaps I could use this. eci fcdd vjyk fqpkt kzt rkgtbt qydkhj mkyx rje akreh

Harry potter leaves his parents fanfiction. No one was able to stop Harry Potter on a mission.